For our international partners & friends
Alfa Omega TV is a media ministry founded in 1994 and located in Timisoara, ROMANIA. Our mission is to reach Romanians living in Romania and abroad, and impact other neighboring countries and communities in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. We are primarily involved in television, producing TV programs and airing two 24/7 channels, but we are also using new media tools and print to fulfill our calling.

Who we are and what we do - If you know little about us, start here. Learn about our history and values, how we use media to accomplish our calling for Romanian people and other communities in Eastern Europe.

Recent News and Updates - Discover the latest updates about our ministry - our current projects, key highlights, reports and stats and how God has used Alfa Omega TV to spread His Word .

Testimonies - Watch testimonies from people that were impacted by our ministry: stories of salvation, healing, restoration and spiritual growth.

Endorsements - Watch videos and read what others are saying about us and about what we do, leaders from Romania & abroad.

News from Romania - Watch stories and reports from Romania, produced by Alfa Omega TV (subtitled in English)
By My Spirit, says the Lord (Zech 4:6) - from our president
Dear friends of Alfa Omega TV,
Miracles are the means through which God interferes with our life, responding to prayers, changing circumstances. For citizens of the Kingdom, the supernatural becomes a natural way of living. God is a God of love, of righteousness, but He is also a God of miracles. Where our efforts and abilities reach their limits, God works on our behalf.
A few years ago, I posted on the front door of my apartment a small yellow card on which it was written in capital letters: EXPECT A MIRACLE. Every day, when I leave the house, I cannot avoid reading this message. Sometimes, when I am heading out of my apartment, ready to start a new day, I lay my hand upon the card for a few seconds and I say: “God, I begin this day expecting to receive by faith Your miracles for me, for my dear ones and for Your work, Alfa Omega ministry.”
In October 2011, the Holy Spirit told my wife Mirela and I to write in our agenda, at the end of each day, the miracles He had done for us during that day. Writing every night, I was amazed by the many extraordinary things He did for us every day. Not a day went by without His divine intervention in our lives, without an answer from Him, without solutions to our problem, without a new understanding of things and circumstances through revelation.
The key verse that I received from the Lord back in 1994, at the beginning of our ministry, serving as a motto at Alfa Omega TV is from Zechariah 4:6: “‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.” Looking back, I see the miraculous way in which the Lord has watered and has caused to grow this Christian media ministry in a post-communist country for the past 18 years. But, besides this, He discretely, unspectacularly, and sometimes painfully performs the miracle of changing my life every day along with serving in the media ministry Alfa Omega TV. If He transformed me - an atheist who rejected God for 40 years, focusing on his career and on the values of this world - He can cause a profound transformation in millions of Romanians.
I believe that in the near future, God will bring a season when His Church wil be empowered, just as in the day of Pentecost, in the entire nation of Romania. I believe that Alfa Omega ministry is also called to be a catalyst, one of the channels through which the overflowing of the presence, the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit will be reaching millions of Romanians. Is He able to change a nation in just one day?
Tudor Petan
President, Alfa Omega TV