Alfa Omega TV - 25 Years of ministry in the Romanian mass-media - 1994-2019
The Christian media work of Alfa Omega TV was established in 1994, and has a broad interdenominational openness. From the beginning, it has had a positive impact among believers due to the distribution of programs and media resources with a moral Christian content.
Alfa Omega TV helps distributing the Word of God both in Romania and abroad. Through the last 25 years, the work has developed creating the need for adequate equipment, able people, as well as a building offering space necessary to run media activities.
“Throughout the years, we rented different spaces where, during that season, we reproduced cassettes and DVDs, and did editing. During 1999-2000, we began our own production doing interviews using the technology available at that time. We moved from place to place looking for simple accommodations that corresponded to our Christian media activities which we see flourishing right before our eyes with all the challenges that go along with the work”, said Tudor Petan, president of Alfa Omega TV.
Little by little, weve seen how the hand of God has intervened in raising up this building, because, after the phase of equipping the ground floor, another phase followed to furnish the second floor which was in 2011. Two brothers heard about our need and they were tradesmen, they worked in construction. We purchased materials, we also lent a hand, and they practically raised the first floor in the sense that they finished and compartmentalized it according to the blueprints. We had the rooms and offices for the second floor a year later. Basically, we had a small construction site in the Alfa Omega home the whole time until 2 years ago, when things stabilized”, added Mirela Petan.
With Gods help, Alfa Omega is present in the lives of people through broadcasting news, films, documentaries, conferences, seminars, all provided as free resources.
“Alfa Omega is special because you have courage and you go where the Holy Spirit is manifesting. You have courage to go where the fire is intensified and then you have courage to broadcast it”, said Razvan Mihailescu, a pastor from Bucharest.
“I appreciate the accent that you put on presenting the Church in society, the openness of the Church to connect with and respond to the challenges of the world in which we live, bringing together people from different cities, faiths, and geographical areas”, said Adiel Bunescu, another pastor from Bucharest.
“Thank you for all that you do, for support, for the magazine and for all the free resources that we receive from you. It is extraordinary and I encourage people to get in touch with Alfa Omega for free resources from Joyce Meyer and others which are a great blessing for the days in which we live”, stated Paula Decean from Ocna Mures.
The distribution of programs to regional and local TV stations is one of our oldest projects which began in 1994, being initiated before our TV channel existed.
“The long-term collaboration between Muscel TV and Alfa Omega has offered me quality and diversity. Starting with the childrens programs, to the musical programs, variety shows, documentaries, artistic films, talk shows produced in the studio, all of them have a common denominator: professionalism”, commented Adrian Popa, manager of MuscelTV regional network in Romania.
“Weve collaborated for many years. For 14 years, with Banat TV based in Banat de Munte. But a part of your professionalism, through your seriousness and implication, has been passed on to us”, stated Cornelia Dunareanu, chief editor of BanatTV regional network in Romania.
“First of all, I want to thank you for the enduring collaboration, of nearly 25 years, in which our television station has broadcast programs, films, documentaries and cartoons watched by many of our viewers”, said Gabriela Badila, manager, NeptunTV network.
“Dear friends, 25 years means youth, strength, it means a small thing if you ask a young lady or young man on the street. But in mass media it means something enormous. It means wisdom, it means millions of satisfied viewers”, thinks Radu Moraru, president of Nasul TV network.
Alfa Omega is a mission through media that God uses for the edification of the Church and for spreading the Gospel in Romania, in Europe and in other areas of the world.
“Where a pastor cannot go, where a priest cannot enter, or where people are unable to go to church, or to a congregation, God sends His Word everywhere. I found it written in Scripture, in Psalm 107:19-20, when people cry out to the Lord, it is written that God in Heaven heard and sent His Word. He sends His Word. Alfa Omega TV is the place from where the Word of God is being sent”, said Ilie Popa, Romanian pastor
Alfa Omega TV is the work of God initiated through revelation, developed by faith and supported through prayer.