25 years of Alfa Omega TV - anniversary messages from affiliated TV networks in Romania
Adrian Popa, manager, Muscel TV: The long term collaboration between Muscel TV and Alfa Omega has offered me quality and diversity. Starting with the programs for children, musical programs, variety shows, documentaries, artistic films, talk shows, produced in their studio, all of them have a common denominator: professionalism. But, our collaboration with Alfa Omega has offered me the possibility to get to know people. Now, at this anniversary, I want to address you, the people who make up the Alfa Omega team. I wish health, joy, strength to work, professional, as well as personal, longevity. Happy Anniversary!
Cornelia Dunareanu, BanatTV: Twenty-five years in the life of an organization means a lot, and says a lot about that organization. It says a lot about professionalism, about involvement, about dedication, about very much work and about earnestness. We have collaborated for many years, for 14 years with Banat TV, in Banat de Munte. But, part of your professionalism, your earnestness, and your involvement, has been transferred to us. We thank you for that, but now, in the anniversary moment, we wish you much continued strength to work. We also say to you, a sincere and warm, Happy Anniversary from here in Banat de Munte.
Gabriela Badila, NeptunTV: First of all, I want to thank you for the long term collaboration of nearly 25 years! A time in which our TV station had broadcast programs, films, documentaries, cartoons watched very much by our viewers. That is why our wish is to continue our collaboration, keeping you with us, because our viewers want to continue to see these programs of success and quality, such as those that you have furnished to us during these 25 years. We thank you for all you have done for us, for the long term collaboration, and we hope that this year we will be together again. Thank you and may we hear good things about you!
Radu Moraru, NasulTV: Dear friends, 25 years means youth, strength. It means just a few years if you ask a young lady or a young man on the street. But, in mass media its something enormous. It means wisdom, it means millions of satisfied people. Happy Anniversary, Alfa Omega! Be loved!
Learn more about Alfa Omega TV: https://alfaomega.tv/en/