2013 - AOTV Ministry Report
2013 in review
Looking back at 2013, we are thankful to God for helping us continue doing missions through media in our nation, during a difficult year. We were not alone in this - many viewers and international partners stood beside us in reaching Romanians from all over the world. Thank you for your support so far! Please continue to partner with us in the coming years.
In 2014, Alfa Omega TV celebrates 20 years of ministry and 8 years of TV broadcasting.
2013 - AOTV projects experiencing growth
We produced TV shows in our studios, as well as filming on different locations, in prayer meetings held in tents, in Parliament, in event halls, sport arenas and churches from all denominations. As a media partner for various organizations and churches, we reflect and amplify what God is doing in this time in Romania and the Romanian Diaspora.
Thousands of hours of fresh Christian programming were made available in 2013 in Romanian: over 500 newly subtitled programs adding to the 200 programs produced in the Alfa Omega TV studios.
In our flagship show, „The Way the Truth and the Life”, we"ve hosted leaders from various churches and denominations all over Romania, we"ve addressed topics of interest from a Christian perspective. Our live TV shows, aired from our studio, saw live prayers made for specific needs from our viewers. Many of them contacted us to say they were healed, saved or grew in their relationship with God.
We"ve initiated 8 multi-media campaigns unique in Romania, promoting Christian values in our society, such as creationism vs. evolution, pro-Israel, pro-family and pro-life, common values to all denominations.
We"ve also launched national prayer events for important issues of the Romanian society. We"ve joined in prayer for Jerusalem, Israel and for Romania. The weekly show „The Power of prayer” provides revelation for intercessors, becoming a catalyst for the prayer movements.
Distribution of Christian TV programs to secular TV stations extended in 2013. We"re now providing free Christian programs to 48 TV networks in Romania, Moldova, USA, Serbia and Ukraine.
Through our publishing house, in 2013 we"ve published new books and diversified our offer of Christian media resources – books, DVDs or online media – to equip believers in Romania. We"ve also distributed thousands of free booklets, books, Bibles and other Christian resources.
Launched in winter 2011, the Alfa Omega TV Magazine reached 10.000 copies, being distributed free of charge to Romanians everywhere. Encompassing the TV program and inspirational and informative articles, the AOTV Magazine is a chronicle of God"s work in Romania.
2013 - Alfa Omega TV Statistics
- 2013 ratings place Alfa Omega TV in the top 30 TV channels (out of ~80) in Romania
- 200 new TV programs produced, 500 programs translated in Romanian in 2013
- Hundreds of programs distributed to 48 secular TV stations
- Facebook fan base doubled in 2013
- AO mobile app was downloaded 11.000 times
- 8.5 million minutes watched on Youtube (1.2 million views)
- A significant 165% increase in financial support from Romanian viewers
Alfa Omega TV Channel - reception: Satellite, Cable TV & Internet
- 2013 was the year of maximum impact for the Alfa Omega TV channel, our main media tool. The Word of God through Alfa Omega TV reaches homes through cable TV networks or by individual reception via satellite or the web.
- Launched in 2006, the first Christian national TV channel in Romania, we are an evangelical TV channel open to all Christian denominations.
- We broadcast the Word of God through: movies, documentaries, biblical seminaries, christian events, testimonies and music.
- Alfa Omega TV brings ministers of God"s Word into Romanian homes – international speakers and Romanian preachers.
- We promote christian moral values: pro-life, pro-family, pro-Israel, creationism.
- A TV station for any age, social or ethnic group: children, youth groups, women, ethnic minorities and mainstream public.
- Prayer dimension – we are a part of people"s prayer life emphasizing the importance of prayer in a believer"s life.
In 2013 Alfa Omega TV ratings placed us among the top 25 channels in Romania
In addition to the Alfa Omega TV channel, in 2013 we"ve provided hundreds of Christian programs to 48 local and regional secular TV stations in Romania, Moldova and other countries
Alfa Omega Communications Center
With the help of all the Alfa Omega TV partners, in 2013 we"ve continued to work on the final floor of the Alfa Omega Media Center, building that houses the TV studio with all the other departments of the ministry. This building performs as a platform for all our media projects targeting Romania, the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
Construction begun in 2005. In 2010 we moved in even though the building had not been completed at that moment. Alfa Omega Communications Center includes 3 floors, TV studio and production facilities. This building will also host a satellite uplink station, a network operations center, a project currently under developement.
ROMANIA IN 2013 - A spiritual overview of the nation
As a Christian media organization, which promotes various projects, conferences and Christian initiatives, we interact with numerous organizations,churches and spiritual leaders. This is why Alfa Omega TV is privileged to have a glimpse ofwhat God is doing in Romania in this season.
- A clear separation within the Church, with the spirit of religion being the distinguishing element. A new generation of radical leaders is rising up, eager to transform Romania.
- A growing preoccupation to understand Jesus’ teachings on the Kingdom of God manifested here and now, as more and more Christians grow in exercising their authority as believers.
- Many churches amplified their study programmes driven by urgency as many Christians are opened to receive more. A new interest in extending and organising small-group churches, study-groups, speaks of a desire to restore the values of the early Church
- A growing opening to the work of the Holy Spirit for healing and deliverance both within the evangelical and traditional boundaries
- A new sound of praise and worship is amplified as more and more Christian singers compose Romanian songs, receive songs from God while having thesound of Romanian nation.
- Interconnection of prayer networks, movements and initiatives in Romania. New means for extended worhsip, and prophetic intercession, ministries of fasting and prayer both within the evangelical and traditional boundaries.
- New forms of evangelism and discipleship as a new mindset for a “church on the streets” or “beyond the walls” empowers the minds of youth generation.
- Restoring the women’s identity in Christ while they are involved in restauration, healing, prophetic prayer and intercession ministries.
- A call to minister beyond Romanian borders. The Romanian Church is more involved by supporting missionaries and media ministries with an international impact. An increase in prophetic words announcing a revival that spreads from Romania through European nations.
- The revival among the Gypsy population, the transformation of entire communities, which grow in maturity and relevance for their environments, and develop a Christ-like character.
- An emphasis on media tools, which strengthen and amplify the impact of the biblical messages. Romania is becoming one of the most "covered" European countries through Christian media (radio, TV, internet, publishing).
- Progressive revelation of God’s plan concerning Israel. Romania becomes more and more a pro-Israel voice, both in prayer as a nation within a complex geopolitical context. More and more prayer initiatives include prayers for Israel and corporate repentance from antisemitism
Testimonies about Alfa Omega TV in 2013 from Romanian viewers and leaders
Endorsements from our International Partners