2015 - AOTV Ministry Report
2015 - IN REVIEW
While serving God in Romania since 1994, we’ve entered the 10th year of 24/7 broadcast with our Alfa Omega TV satellite channel. Alongside the growing impact of traditional TV, in 2015 we pushed for the diversification of media channels making a joint impact on viewers. Most notably there were the digital media tools, followed by the printed Alfa Omega TV Magazine. We’ve also improved our ministry component, with live shows with prayer, counseling, follow-up materials and networking with churches. We are grateful to God and to all our partners for supporting us in 2015!
2015 stats
- TV Channel - In Romania’s “must-carry” list since 2010 - Introduced in more secular cable networks, especially digital platforms
- Website – 10,000+ pages: articles, videos, other resources (more than double compared to 2014). Visitors increased by 10% from 2014 (233,000 unique IPs). Top 3 interests: 51% videos and live TV, 8% news and reports, 7% spiritual life articles
- Facebook fan base increased by 51% in 2015. Our post reach increased by 211%.
- Youtube - 2.2+ million views in 2015 (37% increase from 2014); 4100+ videos published on Youtube by the end of 2015.
- Mobile app downloaded 24.500 times
- TV production: 784 hours of Christian programs produced/subtitled in 2015
- Secular distribution: 20 hours of Christian programs distributed to 33 secular TV stations in 2015, every month.
- AOTV Magazine – 5th year in print, now the largest Christian printed magazine in Romania with 16000 copies printed – TV schedule, news, inspirational articles
- Multimedia campaigns: four campaigns in 2015: pro-life, pro-Israel, Islam and understanding of the times, science and creationism, relevance in society
Content and Topics
Discipleship and equipping the Church
In our productions and programs aired, we addressed topics like pro-life and pro-family, science and creationism, apologetics, missions, discipleship and equipping for ministry, ethics in business, ministering in the marketplace, worship as a lifestyle, understanding of the times, prayer, intercession and the prophetic.Evangelism and pre-evangelism
In 2015, we also aired many excellent evangelism films and documentaries, many of them premieres. We also began producing 2 new series: Lives in the Light for short and dramatised testimonies, and Essential Questions that present dense answers also for non-believers.Direct Ministry
We continued to produce live shows with on-air prayer and ministry for the needs of the viewers. Results were encouraging, people engaged. We’re following up on the shows, praying with people, counseling, producing and distributing resources on taboo subjects, connecting people to local churches.MULTIMEDIA THEMED CAMPAIGNS
We developed 4 major multimedia campaigns in 2015: Pro-Life, Islam and Understanding of the Times, Christian Relevance in Society and Science and Creationism. During these one-week campaigns, we published relevant correlated resources via the TV channel, the printed magazine, on our website, on social media, as well as via our affiliate organizations. Their purpose was to raise awareness, educate and offer practical ways for Christians to get involved to make a difference.NEWS FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE
In 2015, we focused on providing more news from Romania and the entire world, presented from a Christian perspective. Our most viral intl. content in 2015 was related to the Islamic State, the muslim refugees coming to Europe, and the Russian intervention in Syria.
Most viral Romanian content was related also to key events happening in Romania in 2015, Halloween and a special report about a Christian ministry involved in social work.
Content provider
We produced over 200 programs: TV-shows, news and reports, conferences and seminars. We continued translating foreign programs - movies documentaries, sermons and specials - that were aired both on Alfa Omega TV channel as well as many other affiliate secular TV stations.
TV network
The Alfa Omega TV channel continued to be in the must-carry list of most-watched channels in Romania, and was included in more digital TV platforms. We’ve also extended the broadcast license for another 9 years.
We’ve increased our efforts to minister better to people in need, by airing live prayer shows and producing relevant video, printed and digital resources for counseling/discipling. We now have a daily prayer line for people, and added staff for prayer and counseling.
Christian programs to secular TV stations
Since 1994, a key part of our strategy was to air Christian programs on secular TV stations, bartering films and documentaries for airtime for evangelistic programs. We provided ~20h/month to 33 affiliate networks in 2015.
News and reports
We produced, translated and aired Romanian and international news to help Christians understand the times and connect to others. We promote and amplify God’s works through other ministries and churches.
New website
In 2015, we redesigned our site for enhanced features and a cleaner look. Our online content doubled to 10,000+ pages, of which 5,000 videos. Visits and engagement increased on our website, as well as on social media.
Media campaigns
We developed 4 multimedia multichannel campaigns: Pro-life, Israel-Islam & Understanding of the times, Christian relevance in society, Science & Creation.
AOTV Magazine
Our AOTV Magazine is now the most printed Christian magazine in Romania. We ran special theme issues in 2015: history, family, Islam, evangelism, Christian relevance, science and faith.
1. Free From Debt - A dynamic teaching on how to administer one’s personal finances
2. Lives in the Light - Short testimonies of transformed lives
3. Essential Questions - Short clips responding to tough questions of both believers & non-believers
In partnership with CBN, we’ve prepared the evangelistic multimedia Superbook project (for ages 8-12) for launching in Romania in 2016.
We produced multimedia sets (print+video+online) on practical and relevant topics: marriage, finances, discipleship, science), available both in physical format and as free downloads. We also continue to sell DVDs and books.
AOTV at a glance
- Translation & subtitling house - since 1994 -
- TV production studio – since 1999
- News, reports, talk-shows, multilingual prg.
- Equipping the Church with media resources
- Prayer & discipleship ministry; connection with local churches in Romania
- NRB Intl. TV Ministry Awards (2002, 2010)
- TV Network airing over Europe - since 2006
- Christian programs through secular TV channels in several countries – since 1994
- New media, social media, mobile, streaming
- Publishing house; bookstore; local affiliates
- Most printed Christian Magazine in Romania
- Non-denominational Christian values
- Target area: Romania, Eastern Europe