2016 - AOTV Ministry Report
2016 in review
After 22 years of serving God in the Romanian Christian media, 2016 was a time of new beginnings for Alfa Omega media ministry: a new logo, the 10-year anniversary of TV broadcast, launching new TV shows and planning others for the next season, extending content distribution on more media channels. Alfa Omega is becoming a platform for promoting the Kingdom of God, an agent of unity for the Church, a pool of resources for evangelism & discipleship. A prophetic voice for the times we live in. We thank God for those who support us, they are part of God’s plan for Romania.
2016 - stats
TV Channel - In Romania’s “must-carry” list since 2010 - Introduced in more secular cable networks, especially digital platforms; Our global rating increased by 34% since 2016. The urban rating is up by 50%.
Website – 12000+ pages: articles, videos, other resources. Visitors increased by 2% from 2015. Top 3 interests: 52% videos and live TV, 12% news and reports, 12% spiritual life articles
Facebook fan base increased by 60% in 2016. Our post reach also grew by 59%.
Youtube - 2.5 million views in 2016 (18% increase from 2015); 5000+ videos published on Youtube by the end of 2016.
TV production: 650 hours of Christian programs produced/subtitled in 2016, mostly in HD. Launched 3 new TV shows.
Secular distribution: 20 hours of Christian programs were distributed every month to 43 affiliated secular TV networks in 2016 (4 in the Rep. of Moldova). In total, about 565 Christian programs ran on secular TV networks, some in prime-time.
AOTV Magazine – 7th year in print, now the largest Christian printed magazine in Romania with 16500 copies printed – contains TV schedule, news, editorials, inspirational articles. Free distribution.
2016 - New projects
Rebranding and new Logo for AOTV - After 12 years, on July 8th, 2016, we switched to a new logo and fresh visual identity, a complete rebranding of our Alfa Omega TV ministry.
Launching Superbook - A multimedia evangelism project for kids - In partnership with CBN, on Nov. 19th, we launched the new Superbook series (Cartea Cărților) in Romania, premiering it on the Alfa Omega TV channel, distributing it to affiliated secular TV networks, promoting and posting online and by organizing local events for kids.
Realities and Perspectives - new TV show - Since March, we have been producing a new weekly show, analyzing current events from a biblical perspective, to understand the times we live in, prepare and prayerfully respond.
2 NEW SERIES - Why Israel / End-Times, and Biology lessons - In 2016 we produced a Why Israel series about end-times. Also, in partnership with a local professor, we produced short creationist Biology Lessons for teens (high school level).
2016 - Key Projects
CHRISTIAN NEWS - We produced, translated and aired Romanian and international news, to help Christians understand the times.
MEDIA PARTNERS FOR OTHERS - We promote and amplify God’s work through other ministries and churches.
FOLLOW-UP & MINISTRY - We focused on producing live TV shows with on-air prayer for the needs of the viewers, more than regular talk-shows. Results were encouraging, people engaged. We’re following up on the shows for one-on-one ministry, prayer & basic counseling, producing and distributing resources on taboo subjects, connecting people to local churches.
TV NETWORK - The Alfa Omega TV channel celebrated 10 years of broadcast in June 2016. It continued to be in the must-carry list of most-watched channels in Romania, being included in more digital TV platforms.
We produced over 200 programs: TV-shows, news and reports, conferences and seminars. We continued translating foreign programs - movies, documentaries, sermons and specials - that were aired both on Alfa Omega TV channel, as well as on many other affiliated secular TV stations.
CHRISTIAN PROGRAMS ON SECULAR TV NETWORKS - Since 1994, a key part of our strategy was to air Christian programs on secular TV stations, bartering films and documentaries for airtime for evangelistic programs. We provided 565 programs, meaning ~20h/month to 43 affiliate networks in 2016 (up from 33 affiliates last year).
MULTIMEDIA THEMED CAMPAIGNS - We developed 3 multimedia multichannel campaigns: Pro-life (March), Israel, Islam & Understanding the times (May), Science & Creation (November). We extended them to a full month, and published more content on TV, print & online, for best impact. Our most viral content came from the media campaigns.
Content Strategy
1. Evangelism - Most of our audience is not born again. Via TV programs or web resources, we always present the Gospel in the homes we’re allowed in.
2. Direct Ministry - We are doing our best to provide prayer and ministry to those in need, through live TV programs and our follow-up ministry.
3. Spiritual life & growth - Many of our resources are for discipleship, to help people deal with issues, know God better, grow spiritually and be equipped for ministry.
4. Christians’ relevance to society - Every Christian is called to be salt & light, as they know God, mature and deal with issues. We do our best to encourage & equip regular believers to represent the Kingdom of God in their context.
5. Understanding the times - More than just being spiritually mature and a light in one‘s community, we believe it is important for Christians to understand the times we live in, to prepare and to prayerfully respond to them. We present realities from a Christian perspective.
6. Reflecting God’s work in Romania - By reflecting what God is doing through His Church in Romania, we connect believers and broaden their perspective.
Alfa Omega TV at a glance
- Translation & subtitling house - since 1994
- TV production studio – since 1999
- News, reports, talk-shows, multilingual prg.
- Equipping the Church with media resources
- Prayer & discipleship ministry; connection with local churches in Romania
- NRB Intl. TV Ministry Awards (2002, 2010)
- TV Network airing over Europe - since 2006
- Christian programs through secular TV channels in several countries – since 1994
- New media, social media, mobile, streaming
- Publishing house; bookstore; local affiliates
- Most printed Christian Magazine in Romania
- Non-denominational Christian values
- Target area: Romania, Eastern Europe