Alfa Omega TV channel
Alfa Omega TV was launched in June 2006, being the first Romanian Christian TV channel in Romania. It covers Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
The Alfa Omega TV channel is available online, in the Alfa Omega Multi-Channel Web platform, that also includes:
- 3 thematic web channels: Youth TV, Movies and Christian TV)
- Other European and international online Christian channels
- Over 1000 video programs on demand
- Alfa Omega TV Channel is an interdenominational and interethnic Christian channel which aims to promote Christian values in the Romanian society through media
- Permanent Broadcast – 24/7 broadcast on satellite, international coverage
- Target Audience: Romanian communities of every religious affiliation, living in Romania or abroad.
Other Eastern European communities - Hungarians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Germans, Slovaks, Gypsies.
National and International Context
The audience levels place Alfa Omega TV in 2010 in the top 20 channels in Romania, and is on the Romanian Audiovisual Authority’s must-carry list of channels for Romanian TV networks.
Alfa Omega TV is honored to be the recipient of the NRB 2002, NRB 2010 International TV Ministry Award for its activity in Christian media.
How can you receive Alfa Omega TV?
- Satellite – individual reception
Satellite: Astra 4A (Sirius 4) – 4,8 degrees East
Frequency: 12.703 Mhz, Polarization: Vertical
Symbol rate: 2963 Msymb/s, FEC: 3/4 - Cable/IPTV networks in Romania and Rep. of Moldova - over 4000 localities to date
- Online – www.alfaomega.tv
The channel provides very dense spiritual food; it made me grow spiritually very fast. For me, Alfa Omega TV is a channel of light. (Alexandra, Brașov)
I was healed during a prayer in one of the live shows. (Liliana, Brasov)
I’m thankful that you exist. I live in Germany and I watch you on satellite. Through you, God is with us, is in us, loves us and teaches us step by step how to live our lives. (Lucia, Germania)
Alfa Omega TV channel has changed many hearts, and even in our village God has done great things. (Vasile, Ialomița)
This TV channel has helped me in getting over some difficult moments in my life. (Zorina, Vașcău)
Alfa Omega TV is the best channel I know of. (Viorel, Bihor)