Alfa Omega TV’s Annual Mission Report - 2020
Our Bible verse, as media ministries here in Romania, from 1994, is: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit” (Zecharia 4:6, NIV).
Right from the beginning, this has been our motto and we can firmly say that everything we did was possible thanks to God, Who led us step by step. We saw people’s lives being changed through our TV shows, and we witnessed them receiving answers to problems they were dealing with, being healed, saved and restored.
2020: Annual Report
2020 was an atypical year, but we are thankful for being able to offer uninterrupted TV broadcast, to continue producing and translating TV programs, to deliver free evangelism and discipleship resources. We continued doing all of these through the help of God and of those who supported us through prayer and financially. Both the statistics and the testimonials we received from people encouraged and motivated us to faithfully accomplish our God-given assignment.
A few highlights
# The Alfa Omega TV satellite channel continued to be delivered by all the major cable systems in Romania, continuing to be included by CNA (Romania’s National Audiovisual Council, similar with FCC in US) in the "must-carry" list for 10 years now..
In 2020, we translated and produced 1.060 hours worth of magazine shows, ministry and prayer-related programs, testimonies, movies, documentaries and children’s television series. We produced and broadcasted live on TV and on social media 20 LIVE two-hour shows called “The Way, the Truth and the Life” shows, praying and ministering to our viewer's live.
# Noticing the growing interest in our news programs, we launched two more news programs: “AO News” and “Realities and Perspectives – Magazine”. This new shows are added to our existing informative Romanian weekly programs called : "Mapamond Crestin" (Christian Word News, produced in a weekly base from 1992, the first Christian news in our area), "Realities and Perspectives" and "Alfa Omega in Focus".
# We continued collaborating with over 30 local and regional commercial TV stations. They all receive monthly from us about 20 hours worth of Christian shows, movies, documentaries, animated movies, and other TV shows which are often in prime-time. This project was started by us in 1994, a special door opened by Him to distribute Christian content through secular media.
# Our free printed magazine, launched 10 years ago, Alfa Omega TV Magazine, was printed and shipped this year in over 42.000 copies.
We donated over 30.000 Christian booklets and books, with over 18.000 electronic resources being downloaded last year from website. We published also 30 new titles through our "Alfa Omega Publishing" house
# In 2020, we also built a better digital media presence. We posted over 2.300 new articles on our website, which was visited by more than 430.000 unique visitors, 50.000 more than last year. In total, both on Facebook and YouTube our videos have gotten over 24 million views, compared to last year, when they reached 14 million views.
# Our mobile app was given a new design. It is now more accessible and available for Android and IOS starting with October 2020. During the first two months after launching it had over 2.000 downloads.
Short History
- Alfa Omega TV, a Christian media ministry was born in 1994. We started by translating Christian foreign TV programs, which we would provide to local and regional commercial stations. And we still do today.
- Because God blessed us with plenty of video resources, in 1999 we created the first Alfa Omega TV site, followed by, where we continue posting to this day Christian articles and video content.
- In 2002, long before YouTube was born (in 2005), we streamed the first videos online, which was a pioneering work in the Romanian Christian digital media.
- In 2006 we launched our satellite television service, a permanent 24/7 broadcast (Alfa Omega TV satellite network, covering Europe, North Africa and The Middle East). We offer free online re-broadcast since 2007.
- In 2006 we also created our Alfa Omega TV YouTube Channel, and in 2010 we created our Facebook and Twitter pages, launching a weekly e-mail newsletter – all of them functioning to this day.
- The first version of our mobile app was developed in 2011 – which now reached its fourth version. That same year, the first edition of Alfa Omega TV Magazine was launched.
- In 2018 we created our Instagram account, @alfaomegatv, and in 2020, taking notice of the growing interest regarding our news section, we started a second Facebook page, “Alfa Omega News”.
Up until this point, we listed a few channels which we started using over time in order to share God’s word in an accessible and relevant way, with the goal of equipping believers, evangelizing people and announcing Christ’s return. We did not solely rely on our classic TV channel, but we grew, developing, and adapting to the modern media.
Mission Through Media
Two thirds of people accessing our online resources are over 45 years old, an inverse proportion than our TV channel. Our multimedia/digital dimension harmoniously completes what we do through Alfa Omega TV channel and by providing Christian shows to non-religious TV partners. Our desire is to continue promoting Christian values in contemporary society using all of our media means, offering a clean alternative through the diverse content we produced or translate.
We thank God for the year 2020, when we learned more than ever what it is to be dependent upon the Lord. We thank you to all who have been beside us, through prayer of financially. We are glad to see our ministry’s impact on peoples’ lives, witnessing how materials we produce or translate are changing lives. Please consider being a part of our mission through media in 2021.
The Alfa Omega TV Team